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Sandstone comes with a sandstone.config.ts file, used to configure the resulting datapack and, sometimes, resource pack.

Most fields are well documented by the JSDoc and/or self-explanatory, this provides some more detailed explanations.


The strategy to use when 2 resources of the same type (Advancement, MCFunctions...) have the same name.

For example:

default: 'warn',

tags: 'append', // Append contents of all colliding group tags

Save Options

Under the saveOptions key, define details for the output of the packs.


A custom handler for saving all files. If specified, files won't be saved anymore, you will have to handle that yourself.

For example:

async (relativePath: string, content: any, contentSummary: string) => {
if (relativePath.endsWith('.mcfunction')) {
await fs.writeFile(path.join('.sandstone/output', relativePath), `# Bob's Pack @ 2023\n${content}`)
} else {
fs.writeFile(path.join('.sandstone/output', relativePath), content)


Under the scripts key, define custom behavior during the output of packs.

For example:

scripts: {
afterAll: async () => {
await fs.writeFile('.sandstone/output/datapack/LICENSE', 'Bob\'s Pack @ 2023')

Handling resource contents without having write the files

resources: {
handle: [{
path: new RegExp(/.mcfunction$/)

callback: async (contents) => new Buffer(`# Bob's Pack @ 2023\n${contents}`)