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The basics

By calling Data, Sandstone will return an DataClass object with convenient methods.

import { Data } from 'sandstone'

const pig = Data('entity', '@e[type=pig,sort=nearest,limit=1]')

Data Points

The basics

In Minecraft, nbt data can be applied to 3 kind of things : storage, entities, & blocks. When scoped to a path, they are called Data Points.

In Sandstone, to get the value of an nbt path for a given target, you select the path.

// Get amount of health on the executor
const healthRemaining ='Health')

// Get the first potion effect on the executor
const firstEffect ='active_effects[0].id')

// Get label tags on the executor
const labels = pig('Tags')

// Get the nbt of an item being held by a mob
const item = Data('entity', '@s').select('HandItems[0]').select('tag')


Sandstone has a number of helper methods to perform operations on data points.

Inline operations

Inline operations are operations that modify the data point. For example, labels.append('mean') would compile in data modify entity @e[type=pig,sort=nearest,limit=1] Tags append value "mean". The value of labels will change.

There is one inline method for each type of operation, and they all accept nbt values, scores, and other data points:

/* Setting */
// Set the health to 10
// Set the health equal to another entity
// Halve the health

/* Merging */
// Change/add multiple fields without disturbing other nbt
item.merge({display: {Lore: ['"Indestructible"']}, Unbreakable: NBT.byte(1)})
// Merge from the closest player's item properties'properties').merge(Data('entity', '@p', 'SelectedItems[0]'))

/* Appending */
// Make the pig 'funny'
// Add an enchantment to an item'Enchantments').append({ id: 'sharpness', lvl: 5 })

/* Prepend */
// Add to the top of item lore'display.Lore').prepend('Hello there!')

/* Insert */
// Add the pig after the second mob in the stack
futureMobStack.insert(DataVariable({id: 'pig'}).merge(pig), 2)

/* Remove */
// Delete an item from the first slot of a chest
Data('block', '~ ~ ~', 'Items[{Slot:0b}]').remove()

Every operation returns the data point. Therefore, you can chain them:

// Add 'a' to the end of a list, add 'b' to the beginning of a list


Data points are easy to compare against another value, and integrate perfectly with Sandstone's flow statements.

equals accepts an nbt value, a score, or another data point.

You can use it in any flow statement:

// If the pig is invisible, make it easy to find
_.if(firstEffect.equals('minecraft:invisible'), () => {
effect.give('@s', 'glowing', 10, false)

String parsing

A data point representing a string can be sliced into a new, smaller one, that can then be used, by using slice.

// If the pig has an effect, warn everyone
tellraw('@a', ['The pig is ', DataVariable(firstEffect.slice(9))])

const foobar = DataVariable('foobar')
const foo = DataVariable(foobar.slice(0, 2))
const bar = DataVariable(foobar.slice(-3))

Data Sets

Sandstone has support for a form of Data Sets; allowing for Maps & Arrays of Data, represented in-game by Data Storage.

const test_map = DataIndexMap({
foo: 'bar',
baz: 'test'
* {
* Entries: [['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 'test']]
* Index: {
* foo: 0,
* baz: 1
* }
* }

const test_array = DataArray(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
* ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

These can be manipulated & indexed just like any native set of data in TypeScript, including at runtime with dynamic indexes.

tellraw('@a', [test_map.baz, test_array[1]])
* testbar
*/ = 'funny'

test_map.start = NBT.double(42.42)


test_map[Macro`mob_${id}`] = Data('entity', '@s', 'CustomName')
